Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading my blog. I wish you all the very best this memorial day weekend. As we thank those who gave their lives for our country and remember those we have lost, I ask you to remember the lives, not the deaths of those you mourn. When my friends were ripped from my life the words and stories about their murders paralyzed me with fear and sent me into a tail spin. Only when I focused on their lives and how they impacted others with love and friendship could I move forward.
In tough times we have to find our motivation within ourselves. The memories and love I have for my friends can never be taken from me. Promise me that this weekend you focus on the journey not the fire. As a motivational speaker, college instructor and business owner I meet so many people who share that they feel something is holding them back. They cannot express it but I see that they carry a shadow, something they have not addressed that locks their potential. I am blessed to help people unlock their potential using my journey in motivation and marketing. What is your journey? I would love to hear from you, e mail me at [email protected] when you share it will be kept confidential !