Dear Readers,
I write with a heavy heart today. A very dear friend of mine has passed and it is hard to hold back tears. As I spoke with the family we focused on the fact that he is in a better place, in god’s loving arms, as we reviewed the what if’s ,if he had been in prolonged pain or had to be on life support it was clear that we we striving to see the good in this horrible time.
I know that looking at the positives helps us become stronger, motivated and helpful to others. When I wrote, Discovering Your Dawn, I knew I had to share that when I became negative I created a personal prison. When I share the mistakes I made it has helped others. I have learned that even when I am speaking about leadership people relate to us and learn from us when we share the reality of our lives.
As a Corporate Motivational Speaker I have seen people hear my message and act on the ways to unlock their potential. My friend who pass ed shared his business struggles with me and helped me see how I would grow my business one day. He also let me share my personal struggles and he and his wife showed me how faith can help you overcome anything. As a Christian Speaker I share how God sent people to help me. My friend Ned and his wife Geri were the first people I ever met who were open about their faith. They gave me a great gift in my friend Renee. Renee gave me friendship that changed my life.
As Renee and I shared our love for her father Ned we remembered how he taught us Exceptional Teamwork and he always valued his employees and everyone he met. Ned modeled to me, Increasing your Passion and Productivity and now as a inspirational speaker I have the blessing to share ways to motivate people and change their world.
Through my tears I can see the sunset tonight and say “What if I had never met Ned” he changed my life, believed in me and helped me help others. God Bless you always Ned you are the very best of what a business owner, a father, a mentor and friend should be. I am sure God is looking at you saying, “Well done good and faithful servant”
Love you always,