Being the one in your business relationships
To be the one means to be the one person that your clients/customers say “you have to call her/him they will help” Miracle Resources heard clients say that phrase over and over and we decided to strive for it to be said by all of our customers. If your mission is to bring value to clients, your purpose is to serve them by sharing your resources, expertise and by building a relationship of trust.
A wise woman named Linda Bloom asked me, “Katherine are your clients your best friends” I quickly replied, “No, we have a professional relationships” Linda then shared the secret to keeping business relationships. The secret is to build a trust that displays how you can help and to build a bond that is so strong it will never break. I needed to hear this because my relationships consisted of visiting clients with my staff and I was very formal, always showing perfection.
My mistake was that I trying so hard that clients did not get to know me. As I became accountable, I looked at my public speaking, I was formal and people would often write to me that they learned so much but knew I was very busy and they did not want to bug me after my speech. How sad, I tried so hard to be perfect that I was unapproachable and did not truly build relationships.
As a Corporate Motivational Speaker and Marketing Keynote Speaker, I knew I had to open up, tell my truth and treat clients as I treat my friends and family. I started telling stories about the crazy mistakes I make and I used my mistakes to help others. Miracle Resources started to have coffee or lunch with every client, no agenda “just come to the table and we will listen”. As we listened, we saw so many people hurting and carrying shadows that held them back from success. When I started teaching college and saw students who struggled just as much as clients and audience members at my speeches I tried to find a book that would help but could not find one. In an effort to help others, I exposed my mistakes, pain and tragedy in my first book “Discovering Your Dawn”.
The book has been a wake up call and help people in three countries. Miracle Resources has been amazed at how supportive clients were of the book. Miracle Resources relationships grew deep and during the tough economy our clients stayed and although the economy made it tough to get new clients we could survive with the clients we had. It became clear in 2010 that many of our competitors would close and what may surprise you is we did not race to get their clients. Our networking and relationship building led to our competitors sending their clients to Miracle Resources.
A note from Miracle Resources:
We have been blessed to belong to The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Katherine was trained by AFP to become a fundraising leader. Katherine built deep friendships with fellow AFP members and they learned to depend on each other. During good and bad times, Katherine has the support of her AFP members and is honored to be asked to speak Thursday, December 2, 2010 as the Keynote for the AFP Annual meeting. AFP also requested a book signing. The book signing will be held at Holiday Inn Rockside at 1pm “The greatest blessing is to be recognized by the experts in my field and to have my book showcased” Katherine Miracle