Relationships and team member’s behavior is built on the following, so how would your team members answer these questions:


(do you make the people you work with feel valued?) 

Example: A physician who never makes eye contact and is so busy they do not show they value their patient.

The truth is they may be the best physician, but when patients do not feel valued they can leave and tell others who will also leave the physician. Think about mistakes, if someone makes a mistake but shows you value, you may consider forgiving the mistake but if you do not feel valued or listened to and a mistake happens, you may consider writing a bad review or a lawsuit.


(do you show your team you will be there long term? )  

Think about the behavior of your teammates, do they show you that you can count on them? Do you show them you are all in? Without team charter training your team is not clear on the vision, acceptable behavior or agreed on action steps.


(Do you bring variety to your team relationships?)  

If your team is not trained on Appreciative Inquiry then you cannot know the vision and motivation of teammates. Without Appreciative Inquiry, you will not know how to engage them using the variety that will build your team culture. Appreciative Inquiry training will help your team will understand each other and work in a new way that uses the unique talents of each team member. 


(Do you show respect to your team and leadership?)  

Example: As a young boss my emails were very direct and gave orders. After training, I learned to show respect, interest and show inspiration in my communication. It did not take more time, instead, it shows an investment in building the relationship which built our brand, team, and revenue.  


(are both people contributing to the relationship?) 

Example:  Sometimes I gave 250% and the other person gave 10% and I can also say sometimes my effort to build a relationship was not focused and a relationship died. If we are not working to build relationships and show our investment, we lose customers/ clients and co-workers.


(Does everyone in the relationship trust each other?)  

Are you ready to share and listen?  

Example: When I became a college instructor I thought my students would need my business experience and a system to create revenue streams.  

When I listened, I learned that the problems the students have in their life are similar to the problems co-workers have.

I built trust not by telling them what to do but by listening and helping them create options that were used to create an optimal solution.  You may be saying, “Katherine that is not my responsibility.”  

My answer, your team cannot move forward to build your brand, team, and revenue until you provide resources that build trust or find resources to help your team

 I look at the above list and can share the relationships that died in my life and point to several on the list as the reason why the relationship was not meant to last.  

Maybe you are like me and can say that you did not always contribute and make the investment needed.

I can also say sometimes a relationship had no variety and it died.

I have to be accountable for my relationships and I hope you will too

by looking at the above list and checking on your relationships. 

 How are you doing? 

 Do you need to work smarter in one of the areas above?   

Maybe you are tired of making the effort and would like to just do your job. Consider the following scenario and let me ask you a question.  

 Frankie and Rose worked at a large corporation with many campuses. Both women were directors at different campuses. Once a month they both had a meeting at corporate headquarters. 

Frankie used Miracle Resources Strategic Personal Branding strategy that helped her plan for the success she desired. Frankie would come to headquarters for the entire day of the monthly meeting. Frankie visited all the people she emailed and worked on projects with. Rose got to the monthly meeting 15 minutes before meeting start time. 

At the meeting celebrating Frankie and Rose for their one year of employment anniversary, it was announced Frankie’s campus received 2 new programs, 2 new employees and 90% of her budget request.

Rose was given 10% of her budget request.

Rose was steaming and would not even look at Frankie. 

Rose asked for everything Frankie asked for!  

 They both needed and deserved the items they requested, right?  

 Why did this happen?

 Which of the six needs were not met by the staff and Rose?   

For a free needs assessment

to determine your team’s training needs

email Katherine Miracle at [email protected]

Katherine Miracle has dedicated her life’s work to people and use branding and communication to build strong brands & teams that increase revenue.

Katherine Miracle, MBA is the CEO and Founder of Miracle Resources, an award-winning full-service marketing, public relations and training firm that helps clients increase revenue and awareness.

Katherine is the founder of Brand+ Team =Revenue a national program with 53 trainers that cover America to build brands, team, and revenue through interactive training and unique team building experiences!  The national program has 25 workshops and engages teams through interactive sessions that get to the core of the real problem the team faces and engages the team in a fun team building experience that often benefits a charity or cause.

Katherine is an author and national speaker/trainer who has helped over 100 companies and 5000 professionals. Katherine and her team have helped fortune 50 companies, start up’s, colleges and hospitals. 

As a college instructor at The University of Akron & Kent State University Katherine helps students build their brand through communication and she can often be found traveling to college campuses speaking on “Results, Relationships & Respect” 

 This workshop for college students focuses on Katherine’s book “Discovering Your Dawn” which is based on a real story of a tragedy that turned to a tribute and helps people overcome the obstacles they face and unlock their potential.  

Katherine is a strategic personal branding expert and the author of “Your Strategic Personal Brand” Please connect with her via email [email protected] or Twitter.