Needs assessment for your target market:
The assessment for your target market is only complete when you secure the real problem of the customer/client.  The need/real problem is found through appreciative inquiry.  No matter how you collect this information, the key is how you ask the question.
Example:  “If our product could meet your needs, what would that look like?”
“If our product was successful in one year, what would happen for you?”

The internal assessment for your team:
As you do the following exercises with your team, consider speaking in appreciative inquiry only.  Please refrain from using language that stops communication.  Example:  In the past we did it this way… That will not work because…
Internal marketing is built through teamwork.  Begin working with your team to create their individual sales sheets.  The team will learn about their return on investment and understand how they relate to each other.
Consider have each team member take the MBTI test at  click on Jung typology test and take the 72 free question test.  The team will benefit from knowing each other’s results and will learn about themselves.

Sales sheet exercise:  This is an individual exercise, one per team member.

Step 1: List four power words people use to describe you and your product/service.

Step 2: Ask co-workers, family, friends and bosses to share the four words that describe you. You will see four consistent words come forth.  Please keep them as we create your sales sheet.

Step 3:  Ask six people to give a testimonial or recommendation about you and your product/service.  Consider using Linked In or have people answer the question (in writing).

“If you were my reference, what would you say to a prospective employer?”
“What impact did our product or service have on your life? “
“Why would you recommend us to people you know?”

Step 4: Complete the following:

  • Feature: The actual work or service you perform that helps clients.
  • Advantage: The performance characteristic your clients receive from working with you.
  • Benefit:  The benefit that your work provides for a client.

Step 5: Create your sales sheet

Your sales sheet
4 power words
1 testimonial
Your Features, Advantages and Benefits
Who can you help?
What is your return on investment?

Sample from the author

Katherine Miracle 330-777-2003 ext. 100

Features: Educator, Speaker and Expert Marketer

Advantage Performance Characteristic: Increases Revenue and Awareness

Benefits to employer: Katherine cuts costs, creates solutions and streamlines processes

“During my job hunt, I had the opportunity to have my resume featured on a CNN segment. Katherine helped me make the absolute most of my four minutes of fame. She made herself available to me whenever I needed help and provided a fantastic personal branding strategy. Without her help, I would not have been able to maximize the value of this opportunity.  If you need an outstanding speaker, with a dynamic personality and a great marketer, you need to give Katherine a call.”  Robert Paczula hired Katherine as a Personal Marketing Consultant in 2009
Top qualities (aka power words): Great Results, Personable, High Integrity and Energetic
Who Katherine can help: Hospitals, Colleges and Banks

Virtual Sales force:  

Exercise: Activating your virtual sales force – 
Who needs to be educated on what you do?
Example: List friends, family, past co-workers and people you network with:

Your virtual sales force can only help you, if they are educated about what you do, your product, how it can help them and people they know.  If you do not share ways you can help people/ organizations, then your virtual sales force will refer your competitors!

Exercise:  As a team, discuss your sales sheet and virtual sales force.
What did you learn about your team members?
How much impact can your team make on revenue?
What would motivate you to activate your virtual sales force?
What would hold you back from activating your virtual sales force?