Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

In marketing your competition can be your greatest resource. The strongest leaders know their competition, do you?  See if you can answer my questions below:

Know the Competition

List names of competitors and their strengths:





Other factors

Technology competition

List technology that is perceived as competition:




Market Share

List who has the market share and who is the leader:




Future Competition

List what is on the horizon (What is the next big thing and who has the edge?)





What alliances can be formed in an effort to help customers?




Example: In crisis, during a brown out, The Akron Beacon Journal newspaper was paid to print The Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper.  Learn from the wedding industry.  Often caterers rent from each other, so they have the equipment to meet the needs of customers.

List the areas you may need help and how you can help:

