Internal marketing engages employees and breaks the traditional marketing created by an agency or one marketing professional. Internal marketing engages the work of an agency, combined with employee engagement, to create all marketing as a team! The engagement requires input and secure buy in, so all employees and stakeholders are motivated to increase revenue by buzzing (voicing their belief in the company and product).
Internal Marketing by Miracle Resources is the vision that every employee is responsible for securing customers. Metrics are agreed upon in a team setting, so the team can evaluate each team member’s success in bringing in revenue. Often each employee is given a promotional code, so if their friends/family buy a product or become a client, the team member is recognized for their efforts to secure the sale or new client.
Team Charters often begin the Miracle Teamwork Marketing Process:
Example of Team Charter Meeting:
Step One: Employees engage in a visioning meeting using SMART Goals for each vision statement. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals are set. An example could be that all employees use current marketing brochure, website and track with promotional code, to secure 300 new clients by Dec.22, 2016.
Step Two: Employees list actions, behaviors that support the vision statement. Example: Action: Our team will meet quarterly for training to learn new ways to ensure we meet our goal.
Step Three: Behavior: Our team will communicate about ways to hit our goal using brainstorming. Negative or judgmental comments are not allowed. All lingering questions will be asked in the team meeting, to eliminate confusion and gossip.
Step Four: Consequences: The team will set a self-imposed consequence if goal is not met or actions and behaviors are not followed.
Exercise: Please brainstorm with your team and stakeholders to create an employee engagement plan that will help teamwork and internal marketing. Example: Google top ways to engage employees.