By Katherine Miracle (written for CBC magazine)
Your relationship with your target market must be built on your customers/clients feeling significant and valued. What is your plan to make customers feel valued and significant in your business? Example: From the time you meet them, through the entire transaction, what actions and behaviors would your target market see and feel, from you and all the people, who work in your business?
During tough economic times customers often question, will you and your business be available to them in the future. The question of certainty impacts buying and the amount of purchase. What actions, behaviors and policies will you provide to customers/clients to ensure, they are certain, you will be there to service them?
How will you engage customers/clients and keep their interest? All relationships need variety. Your customers/clients will continue to patronize you if you meet their growing needs. In what ways will you provide variety and meet the growing needs of your target market?
It is said that chemistry is connection and deep love for a product or service, provides the motivation, for your customers/ clients to return to you. In what ways will you build a connection and gather information, about your target market, to ensure you meet their needs? _______________________________________________________________________
In advertising it is said, you sell to the person your customer wants to be. Every person has a desire of what they will become and if you fit into that vision, you begin a relationship. Your target market and your business will grow together based on meeting needs. Customers/clients must see you as providing a service/product that leads them to their desired vision.
In what ways will you find out your target market’s desired vision?
Your customers/clients must see how you contribute to their needs. A customer in a store, who needs assistance and cannot find it, has a greater risk of leaving. How will you show customers/clients you are contributing to your business relationship? What actions/behaviors from you and your staff may help to show your contribution?
Your business can only function as a ministry and create strong internal marketing, when you capture the six keys with your customers/clients.