Take-aways you can implement today:
· Profile your top customer and check if you are marketing where they live, work and play.
· Offer an audit/assessment to customers. You get feedback and customers input their e-mail address.
· Lay out all marketing materials and have your best customers give feedback! (Ask your top customers to join your : Marketing Advisory Board)
· Set Google alerts on your target market characteristics and behavior patterns.
· Discount for all who support or bring an item for a cause. Partner with charity to co-op market.
· Let your customers test drive your product! Do you let potential customers test drive your product? Example: Car dealers, speaking at events, sharing your expertise and blogging.
· VIP service, membership into club that provides events, VIP seating or exclusive benefits.
· Secure college interns to create social media marketing campaign based on customer feedback. Review all ad buys and negotiate total campaign buy.
· Referral card with discount must have value. Provide an incentive fee for all referrals.
· Build a virtual sales force–include all contacts: holiday greeting list, all contacts from college, associations and enter all cards as you receive them. You must be diligent and timely to ensure all information is in excel, or another contact software, then transferred to constant contact. When database is built, add to e-marketing campaign i.e., constant contact.
· Share with your virtual sales force, your sales sheet from the previous chapters, and ask their opinion. Example: “Can you read over my sales sheet?” “Does this sound like me?” You will receive feedback in building your brand and learn from others your best assets.
· Rule of Three
Three virtual sales force members recommend you, prior to any interview or potential client meeting.
· Mentors who open doors: Take-away you can implement today: secure one mentor and build a reciprocal relationship, based on sharing advice.
· Second Wave Referrals: Learn from the wedding industry. The bride is the customer, but vendors who do invitations, bands and caterers all can refer each other. The vendors share the same target market, but do not compete. Who shares your target market, but is not a competitor? Start building these relationships today to secure more referrals.