Interactive Marketing Best Practices by Katherine Miracle, President, Miracle Resources
SEM and SEO are often the focus of most campaigns when sadly the bigger issue of branding and power words are lost in the strategy discussions. The best interactive campaigns begin with the most important purpose of any marketing campaign, that purpose is to help your clients and customers fall in love with your product. How do we get anyone to fall in love with us? Listen, use their language, make their interests your own and build a relationship based on trust, fun and wow factor! If campaigns were designed to use the language or power words customers respond to the SEM and SEO would be easy and consistent use of power words result in customers finding your product easily. The interactive campaign must be designed to listen to customer needs and respond to customer request quickly and efficiently. Our world of marketing tells us to engage with our target market where they live work and play but we must provide a wow factor to help them fall in love with our product or service. Wow factor means incentives, service and appreciation. Best practices and generic benchmarking show that great businesses keep their customers in tough economies because the customer has a relationship with the business not a simple transactional situation. The best interactive campaigns are creative and customer centric while providing a focus on the customer. The value proposition is clear and the social media used is based on market research. The resources for a strong interactive campaign begin with branding, focus groups and market research. The implementation phase includes a strong marketing mix and customer centric sales strategy. Miracle Resources wishes everyone at Business Issues Magazine the very best in 2010 and much success in your interactive campaign.