Tis the season….joy, giving, goodwill and to all readers I am blessed to have your support and prayer as I
recover from surgery. I am stronger everyday and being in the hospital I saw exceptional team work that I
am thankful for this holiday season.
As you consider the holidays and how you will interact with family, friends and co-workers at holiday parties
you may be experiencing apprehension and have a tough time seeing how people function as a team.
As a corporate motivational speaker I am asked to work with teams so they can function effectivily and create
success. When I meet with audience members they tell me horror stories of office bullying, discrimination,
exclusion and workplace violence. Miracle Resources has created a new product called “Workplace
Bootcamp” We found experts in all the areas that teams struggle with, communication, deadlines, respect,
leadership, confidence, selflessness, cliques and staying true to the team mission. The Workplace Bootcamp
rolls out in 2010 and I will be working with companies on the following part of the boot camp:
“Exceptional teamwork, increasing your passion and productivity”
The seminar will help you be an effective team player, create a team charter, manage timing of projects, find
confidence to grow as a leader, create a professional work style and meet deadlines. This session helps teams
stop gossip and negativity in the workplace. This session builds accountability teams, mentor programs and
breaks up cliques. The interactive and fun exercises break down barriers and build relationships. The results
of this session are increased productivity and workplace harmony.
I am so excited to help organizations, corporations, non profits and small businesses with our boot camp.
As you approach the holidays consider the topics in our bootcamp. If your holiday was free of negativity,
gossip and carrying past issues you might actually enjoy the holidays and not sweat the small stuff. 2009 has
been a journey for me and it surrounded the publishing of my book “Discovering Your Dawn” so many people
were included in the book and I was not required to ask their permission but I felt it was the right thing to do.
I need to ask forgiveness for the mistakes I made and the way I treated people during a time of tragedy in my
life. I call 2009 my radical forgiveness tour, I met or spoke with 26 people who I needed to forgive. This year
changed my life and I am free of guilt, carrying past issues, negativity and gossip. I have learned so much and
trust me this journey included many tears and learning the truth about myself. My wish for you in 2010 is
that you Discover Your Dawn, what I call the moment in your life when you learn your truth. When you
discover your dawn you can take your past, combine it with your passion to create your future. Thank you
for your comments and support of this blog. Thanks to the corporations and colleges who selected me to be
their corporate motivational speaker or university speaker. Have a great day everyone and enjoy the
holiday season !