Join us March 11 at 5pm for a free workshop “Define Your Success through building relationships, resources and results” with National Speaker & Author Katherine Miracle.
This workshop will help you create a plan for discovering your value, building relationships that support your goals, discovering the resources you need to succeed, showcasing your value to begin your career.
The plan will help you find the thoughts and motivations that work for you to follow through with your plan.
In the workshop you will learn the opponents vs. tribute motivation strategy that will help you learn the resources you need while avoiding the obstacles that can derail your plan. You will learn what you need to start doing and stop doing to help you succeed.
Our award winning speaker & marketer, Katherine Miracle, has traveled the country speaking and training over 100,000 professionals. As the founder and owner of Miracle Resources (a public relations and marketing firm)
Katherine and her team have created over 100 campaigns that have increased revenue for clients. Miracle Resources has helped fortune 50 companies, start up’s, colleges and hospitals. Katherine has given over 1,000 speeches including Keynotes and Commencement speeches, Her life’s work is to help people and teams use communication and branding to build strong teams that increase revenue.