The truth and lies of your personal brand!
The truth and lies of your personal brand! “ It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility Well friends, Jane Austen had it right before the personal...
What message are you really sending? Stop Marketing…Start Asking “Your secret system to helping your customers/clients fall in love with your product/service.” Stop Marketing….Start Asking! Your clients/customers are being hit with so many messages from your...
Do Not Kill Your Brand with Your 2015 Training Program
If you answer yes to the any of the following, you put your company brand at risk and can decrease productivity. Make the corrections now and ensure that your 2015 training programs support your marketing and company brand. Your training in 2015 is all online and not...
Do you believe the American Culture is respectful?
Changing a Culture Imagine America as a land full of people who were truly themselves. Not trying to impress others but just respecting each other. If we stop judging and started respecting each other everyone would feel accepted. We judge brands and people. What we...
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